Service Areas Engineering Project Description Y2 teamed with Dahlgren Consulting to perform the Master Plan Level I Study, which included holding scoping and project meetings with the general public and the Improvement and Service District. Y2 performed a comprehensive literature review and performed population growth and water demand projections, an existing water system inventory, and evaluation. Following those steps, we performed development of new water system concepts. Throughout the span of this study, a GIS was developed to represent the current and proposed …
Big Horn Riverbank Bioengineering
Service Areas Engineering, Natural Resources Project Description Big Horn Riverbank Bioengineering Design and ImplementationIn 2017, the Big Horn River flooded just north of Worland exposing a 24-inch sewer outfall line to the City Wastewater Treatment Plant. The 465 linear feet of sewer line was repaired and rip-rapped under an Army Corps of Engineers 404 Permit. Y2 was contracted to design and implement revegetation or “bioengineered armor” for the existing riprap along the river. Y2 designed a plan that incorporates bioengineered armor that meets the Best Practices for …