Service Areas Engineering, Survey Project Description Y2 completed a geotechnical investigation report for a 1.4-mile road that was being designed on steep slope conditions in Teton County. The field investigation was completed for eight parcels along the proposed road in order to develop future structures. Y2 prepped the field work, used a split spoon drill to complete and select samples for testing, and dug dozens of boreholes. The team completed a full index of lab work including gradation testing, plastic and liquid limit testing, slope stability analysis, …
Bear River State Park Erosion Mitigation
Service Areas Engineering, Natural Resources Project Description High water flows resulted in shoreline erosion including several undercut banks and areas of failure near the concrete walking path at Bear River State Park. In 2020, Y2 Consultants provided an existing conditions survey of the river profile with cross sections, edge of water, top and bottom of bank, and current water level. The bank was severely eroding so Y2 designed a reinforced bank with riprap. A section of the failing bank was constrained by a sidewalk running parallel to the river, which did not …
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