Y2 worked with the Natrona County Conservation District, a local landowner, and the Wyoming Game and Fish Department for this stream stabilization and headcuts project. The headcuts are threatening wet meadows and contributing excessive sediment into the downstream North Platte River. Y2 identified a design approach to stabilize the headcuts, protect and reestablish wet meadows above the headcuts to slow further sediment contributions downstream. These improvements will promote stream channel stability, natural channel function, and floodplain connectivity to potentially reclaim the lost …
AMK Ranch Seawall and Boat Ramp
Y2 designed and oversaw construction of seawall improvement at the University of Wyoming's AMK Ranch research site. The existing seawall was in disrepair and Y2 was tasked with redesigning and armoring the research site. Y2’s survey team gathered existing site conditions and topographic data. Y2’s structural engineers designed a concrete seawall utilizing tied-back deadmans, a wooden observation deck, and a boat ramp while Y2 provided civil engineering design and oversaw placement of riprap armoring. …