Rendezvous Park (R Park)

Service Areas
Planning, Survey
Project Description
Rendezvous Park (R Park) began as a gravel pit in Wilson, Wyoming and has since been transformed from a bleak quarry into a community gathering place. Y2 was involved in the planning, landscape architecture, and promotion of R-Park. R Park’s transformation began with removing massive quantities of gravel that once covered the park’s meadow to a depth of four feet. Upon its removal, the property was ready to be shaped into the ponds, streams, knolls, and trails that are present today. What previously existed as the main quarry now exists as a 450-foot long pond, sprinkle with kids and kayakers in the summer, and sleds and snow-goers in the winter. Since opening in fall of 2014, R Park has logged over 15,000 visits including camp programs from over 20 local organizations. R Park is known for its annual, community-wide events including the Summer Solstice and Winter Solstice Celebrations, weekly Wyoming Stargazing viewings, and Wyoming Kid’s Fishing Day.