Land Surveying
Services Include:
- Boundary and Property Lines
- Subdivision, Condominium, Townhome Plats
- Topographic Mapping
- Existing Conditions Surveys
- ALTA/NSPS Surveys
- Improvement Location Surveys
- Route Surveying
- Trail Mapping
- Large Livestock Facility (CAFO) Design and Permitting
- Wetland and Resource Mapping
- Construction Staking
- FEMA Elevation Certificates
- Legal Descriptions
- Wyoming Water Right Application and Permitting
- Certificates of Placement
- Survey Control for Aerial Photography
- As-Built Surveys and Drawings
Y2’s survey team is adept at utilizing the most advanced technology available including: Trimble GPS, Total Stations and Scanners to collect data, and Autodesk Civil 3D to bring the data to life.