Y2 is working with Carbon County, Wyoming to update the Carbon County Land Use Plan. The last land use plan was updated in 2012 and amended in 2016. Y2 has completed public open houses, a citizen survey, stakeholder interviews, and background research. Currently, the team is in the process of completing the stakeholder interview summary, public outreach summary, updating all data in the land use plan, and starting the development of the draft future land use map. …
Carbon County Land Use Plan Update
Spring Creek Road Crossing
Spring Creek Road Crossing, Guernsey, WY Y2 performed a route survey for the Wyoming National Guard to accommodate a new roadway since the current road washed out each spring. There was no existing road through the area, and the chosen route required crossing a floodway through a forested canyon. The new route was chosen so firetrucks would have better access to the heavy ammunition firing range. The completed roadway is approximately 1.5-miles long and is reinforced with concrete armor plating to protect the road from possible washout areas, as well as providing added protection during …