Munger Mountain Elementary School

Service Areas
Project Description
Y2 was involved in the planning and site design from project conception. The civil engineering team designed the pedestrian entrance to the school, providing separate drop off areas for cars and buses while allowing for students to arrive at a central location. The team also designed the water treatment, storage, and distribution system, using an existing on-site well, providing the design for a new concrete water tank, and designing the treatment and distribution system with booster pumps and UV treatment.
For wastewater treatment, Y2 designed a four-mile-long gravity and pressurized sewer system to connect to the Town of Jackson’s Wastewater Treatment Facility. This design involved coordination with the Wyoming Department of Transportation because they were widening the highway in that location in the same timeframe.
Y2 Consultants role in this project included the following services:
- Planning and due diligence including preliminary site selection;
- Surveying including existing conditions and boundary line adjustment;
- Civil Engineering including site planning, grading, traffic circulation, and water and wastewater utilities;
- Structural engineering;
- Landscape architecture including site grading, pedestrian circulation, plantings, and playground design.