Cheyenne, WY Y2 provided professional services to develop 35% design plans for the reconstruction of East Pershing Boulevard between U.S. 30 (East Lincolnway) and Christensen Road. There has been extensive residential and industrial development within the immediate project area. In addition, the recent extension of Christensen Road from US 30 to the Campstool Road Interchange has directly impacted the use of the East Pershing Boulevard corridor. This corridor study took a comprehensive review of the current and future traffic demands, as well as evaluated the needs of non-motorized users …
East Pershing Boulevard Corridor Study
Wildfile Protection Plans
Spring Creek Homeowners Association Y2, in collaboration with Jackson Hole Fire/EMS and Teton County Emergency Management, developed a Wildfire Defense Master Plan and Emergency Procedures Manual for the Spring Creek Homeowners Association. The project involved working with stakeholders of Spring Creek Ranch, US Forest Service and Teton County Fire/EMS. The Master Plan focused on wildfire risk reduction for open spaces and structures. Brenda Younkin developed the originatl Wildfire Plan for Spring Creek in 2007. Sublette County Y2 lead the update for the Sublette County Community …