Cheyenne, WY Y2 developed the Draft Plan and 35% Design for the Van Buren Corridor in Cheyenne, WY. This is a 0.7-mile stretch of road that is seeing substantial growth, development, and change all around it. The plan recommends short, mid, and long-term solutions to adjust to the neighboring development and reduce speeds. The public has been genuinely concerned with how fast people drive on the collector, especially since Dildine Elementary is in the project corridor. Y2 also provided civil design for the remodel of Dildine Elementary along the corridor. The site is aesthetically pleasing, …
Van Buren Corridor Study
Gateway Enhancement Project
Rock Springs, WY Y2 managed the Rock Springs Gateway Enhancement Plan which focused on the five Interstate 80 interchanges within the city limits of Rock Springs, Wyoming. The Y2 team was responsible for illustrating a 30% design and setting goals and a vision for the landscape and aesthetics along the five interchanges. The guide synthesized historic, current, and future conditions into a comprehensive guide to improve the visual appearance of the five \ interstate exchanges within the City of Rock Springs. Y2 partnered with Cairn Landscape Architects to prepare the plan, which included …